Become a distributor with Ankorstore €100 off first order*

You can visit our wholesale B2b site at

Alternately you can buy from our preferred wholesale partners and get €100 off your first order of SOAPYARD products with code when you buy from ANKORSTORE our preferred online wholesale portal.
You can use this link and code  LIFT-FYDJM7ZZ  to secure a €100 discount*  €100 DISCOUNT LINK 

If you are a stockist or reseller you can use this link to view our products and thousands of others.  Find out

Our soaps are unique and we would like to keep them exclusive to quality stores with good ethical credentials. 

We do not sell on Amazon, Etsy or Ebay.

Our soaps are popular as a niche product for specialist sellers, and an excellent upsell as part of a range of different products.  It is perfect complement in a variety of settings, and our customers find SoapYard products excellent quality, value for money and a good upsell.
Zero-waste shops, florists, cafés, gift shops, independent entrepreneurs, health and beauty businesses, barbers and hairdressers, natural and organic shops. We can supply a soap to fit your environement.
    • Thank you for encouraging good habits, good environmental practice and embarking on a good local community service! 

      *other terms and conditions may apply